Meet our leader and learn more about our support group in this presentation.
Kinship Caregivers Connect hosts support group meetings twice weekly on Zoom. Some meetings are open discussion and other meetings feature speakers from the community who provide information on different topics. Support groups are closed and open to kinship caregivers only. Sign up below if you're interested in learning more or joining our group.
For about half of our meetings, KCC hosts informational presentations as part of support group meetings. We bring in experts and leaders from the community to discuss different topics and share resources relevant to kinship care. Upcoming topics can be viewed on our meeting schedule.
Additionally, KCC records the presentations as much as possible and uploads them to our website so you can view them on your own time. Access our Resource Hub here.
The Family Well-Being Consultation Program is designed to support you and your family in enhancing overall well-being through individual consultations. The program includes 2 to 5 sessions, each lasting 60 minutes. Sessions will cover areas such as self-care, caring for a child with higher needs, self-regulation, family bonding, and sensory well-being. The program involves goal setting, creating an action plan, receiving a personalized toolkit or resource guide, and reflecting on the impact of the strategies implemented.
Click here to fill out the form and sign up.
KCC hosts Kinship Family Celebrations twice per year in September and June. Since we are Statewide, celebrations take place different areas throughout the State. Food and child care is provided at all of our events! It's truly a special time to connect and come together.
Kinship Caregivers Connect sends out a weekly newsletter to support group members with information on meetings and relevant resources. When you sign up for our support group, you will be added to our email list.
Additionally, for those interested KCC offers an opt-in group message on Group Me as a way to connect with other caregivers on a daily basis.
You can Follow Us on Facebook for additional updates
OhioKAN is a flexible and responsive kinship and adoption navigator program designed to support children, youth and their families. Building on the premise that families are inherently capable of finding solutions to the circumstances and challenges they face, the OhioKAN program will take an inclusive, engaging, and genuine approach to strengthening families and their networks. Thanks to OhioKAN for supporting the services of Kinship Caregivers Connect.
Kinship Caregivers Connect