Presentation by Community Legal Aid Ohio
Senior Attorney Joseph Warden joins Kinship Caregivers Connect to present on guardianship as a legal Option in kinship care.
Learn more about ABLE here:
Baylee Butler an attorney from the Southeastern Ohio Legal Services offers legal considerations when planning for the future as a kinship caregiver.
Baylee Butler from the Southeastern Ohio Legal Services breaks down different custody options for kinship care in Ohio
Amber Robinson and Paula Oliver from Ohio Kinship and Adoption Navigator's Program (OhioKAN) provide an overview of public benefits in Ohio, including eligibility criteria and how to apply.
To connect with a kinship navigator, call OhioKAN at 1-844-644-6526 or visit their website to learn more:
Baylee Butler, an attorney from the Southeastern Ohio Legal Services, breaks down different public benefits options for kinship caregivers in Ohio. View all resources related to the presentation here
Amber Robinson and Paula Oliver from OhioKAN present about public benefits for kinship caregivers in Ohio, including who is eligible and how to enroll.. To learn more about OhioKAN visit:
Attorney Rebecca Steinhauser from Advocates for Basic Legal Equality (ABLE) presents information on the Social Security Benefit for adults, including SSI and SSDI. She shares about eligibility criteria and different benefit types.
Learn more about ABLE here:
Attorney Steinhauser from Advocates for Basic Legal Equality Inc presents on the Child Disability Benefit SSI, including information about qualifications, the application, and appeal process.
Learn more about ABLE here:
In this presentation, Dana Goldstein, tax advocate and attorney from Community Legal Aid in Ohio, presents about various tax credits (i.e., earned income tax credit, child only tax credit) and how they apply to kinship families. To connect with Community Legal Aid, visit:
Dot Erickson-Anderson from Ohio Family Care Association provides an update on a new law for adoption grants and how this can affect kinship families.
Barbara Turpin from the Ohio Grandparent Kinship Coalition presents on the importance of advocacy and ways to advocate as a kinship caregiver.
Kinship Caregivers Connect